Your Personal Information and Privacy

We believe you deserve the highest possible levels of service, security and protection when we collect and use your personal information.
This page explains how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store any personal data wecollect from you.

Who are we?

LCC Capital is the trading style of Lease Car Credit Limited. Our registered address is: Heath End, Petworth, West Sussex, GU28 0JG.
You can see more information about us here.

When will we collect your personal data?

We will collect your personal information in two ways – when you apply for vehicle finance, and from third party organisations such as credit reference agencies.

Why and how do we use your personal data?

Our ‘Use of your personal information notice’ shown below, which we include as part of the contract you receive and sign when you start an agreement with us, explains why and how we will use your personal information in full:


Use of your personal information notice
What we will do when you apply

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Use of your personal data